The 2023 Anglican Jt Synods are only three weeks away. We hope you will be able join us in the activities we have planned for the week.
Regular readers will recall that Continuing Forward was formed in 2019 to help the revitalization of the Continuing Anglican churches, both by strengthening the spiritual health of existing churches and also forming new churches.
We will be hosting four events in Orlando, from Oct. 10-12, three of which are. Three of these events are workshops (presentations with discussions). On Tuesday, we will discuss the need and efforts for renewal in the G-3. On Wednesday, Bp. Paul Hewett draw on his wealth of experience in Anglican ministry to explain how “Kingdom” thinking should be used to improve the health of a parish and its community. Finally, on Thursday speakers will discuss their success in identifying and forming new clergy equipped to lead healthy parishes.
All of these workshops will be held from 4:10-4:55pm in Seminole Room C in the conference hotel, immediately before the daily Evening Prayer in that same room at 5:15pm. We will highlight each session on future posts on this website.
We also want to encourage readers to explore the renewal efforts of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity, an ACC diocese based in California. (We have previously reported on their October 2022 retreat held in Dallas, which brought together G-3 church renewal supporters from around the country). They will be leading the Wednesday Evening Prayer with their Litany for Mission & Evangelism, and will be available after the EP to discuss their Remnant Mission program.
Finally, on Tuesday or Wednesday night, we are organizing an informal dinner to identify whether there is interest in organizing a formal church planting workshop for those seeking to plant Continuing Anglican churches. Please email us if you are interested.