After our summer hiatus, Continuing Forward is beginning its second season of live online webinars for Continuing Anglican clergy and laity, with a series of guest speakers addressing issues of church renewal and church planting.
We are excited to announce our Fall schedule of four webinars:
Sept. 12 (Thursday 11am ET): Fr. Zachary Braddock — dean of the Church of the Epiphany in Columbia, S.C. (ACC) — will talk about the benefits of hosting a home school coop at an Anglican church. He will be interviewed by Fr. Hayden Butler, the associate rector of St. Matthew’s in Newport Beach, which has recently launched its own coop. Special Zoom link is here.
Oct. 3 (Thursday noon ET): Fr. Wade Miller, rector of St. Philip’s Anglican in Blacksburg, Va. (APA), will talk about parish renewal and ministry to a college town. He will be interviewed by Fr. Mark Perkins of the Continuing Forward executive committee. Zoom link is here.
Nov. 6 (Wednesday noon ET): Bp. Stephen Scarlett, bishop ordinary of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity (ACC), will talk about his “Remnant” perspective on spirtual formation and renewal. He will be interviewed by Joel West of the Continuing Forward executive committee. Zoom link (same as Oct. 3) is here.
Dec. 5 (Thursday noon ET): Fr. Matthew Mirable of the Continuing Forward executive committee will host a panel discussion on using Advent and Christmas services and events to evangelize the local community. Zoom link (same as Oct. 3) is here.
We look forward to having you join us live to hear and ask questions of our speakers. You can also view recordings of previous webinars on our YouTube channel.
Also, please contact us at any time if you want to suggest specific topics or speakers for our Spring webinar series.